PRK Hulu Selangor: Penamaan Calon dan Pesta
18 April 2010
"Pertandingan empat penjuru - Pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor temukan calon BN, PKR, dua bebas", begitu tajuk berita akhbar Sinar Harian 18 April 2010. Calon BN ialah P. Kamalanathan manakala calon PKR ialah Datuk Zaid Ibrahim. Dua calon bebas ialah V.S. Chandran, bekas Naib Pengerusi MIC Hulu Selangor dan Johan Mohd Diah, AJK Pemuda Umno Shah Alam. Difahamkan kedua-duanya akan dipecat kerana melanggar displin parti melawan calon daripada parti yang sama (BN).
Semalam 17 April 2010 telah berlangsung hari penamaan calon untuk kerusi P094 Parlimen Hulu Selangor tersebut yang telah kosong dengan meninggalkannya Arwah Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad daripada PKR. Seminggu lagi iaitu pada 25 April 2010 ialah hari mengundi, bermakna ada selama 7 hari berkempen. SPR pada kali ini menetapkan hari penamaan calon dan hari mengundi pada hujung minggu. Inilah yang sepatutnya. Memudahkan pemilih untuk keluar mengundi dan memudahkan kemudahan sekolah digunakan tanpa menjejaskan waktu persekolahan.
Rentak dan mood pilihan raya kecil (PRK) lazimnya berbentuk pesta. Sebenarnya bukan hanya PRK kali ini tapi mana-mana PRK pun begitu. Samalah juga situasinya semalam di sekitar Dewan Serbaguna dan Kompleks Sukan Daerah Hulu Selangor. Belum pun gendang rasmi kempen dipalu, namun pelbagai program penerangan ala kempen telah dilakukan oleh pihak yang bertanding.
Tinjauan saya dan dua orang teman daripada MAFREL (Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections), Timbalan Pengerusi dan Setiausaha ketika hari penamaan calon, mendapati penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dan BN telah turun beramai-ramai untuk menyaksikan penamaan calon berkenaan. Kesesakan lalu lintas menuju ke pusat penamaan calon dianggarkan sejauh 5-7 km samada dari arah utara mahu pun dari arah selatan. Ini ternyata apabila banyak kenderaan yang terpaksa meletakkan kenderaan di pesisiran jalan lebuhraya utama atau highway 1, jika dari arah utara.
Kami sendiri terpaksa meletakkan kenderaan berhampiran SMAT Kuala Kubu Bharu iaitu kira-kira 3km daripada Pusat Penamaan Calon dan berjalan kaki dari situ. Apabila menghampiri Masjid Jamek Al-Rahimah Kuala Kubu Bharu, kami bertembung dengan penyokong BN yang menjadikan sebuah bangunan bertentangan dengan masjid berkenaan sebagai pusat pengumpulan penyokong sebelum berarak bersama calon. Terdengarlah nyanyian lagu 1Malaysia berkumandang melalui corong pembesar suara. Diulang-ulang...
Oleh kerana jalan terus telah padat, kami meneruskan berjalan kaki mendaki bukit dan mengelilingi pusat penamaan calon yang tidak berapa jelas kelihatan kerana di kelilingi taman dan rimbunan pokok menghijau. Setelah hampir 2 km, kami bertembung pula dengan tempat penyokong PR berhimpun. Juga meriah dengan teriakan dan sorakan. Tidak ketinggalan dari kejauhan terdengar bunyi gendang.
Ketika di sinilah baru kami ketahui bahawa kawasan pusat penamaan calon dibentengi luas dengan kawat berduri. Pada anggaran kami, ianya lebih daripada 50m yang biasanya dihadkan oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR). Mungkin topografi pusat penamaan calon yang terletak di lembah dan di kelilingi taman menyebabkan pihak PDRM terpaksa membuat liputan kawat berduri yang luas bagi tujuan kawalan yang baik. Mungkin juga bagi tujuan pencegahan demi mengelakkan rempuhan dan pertembungan penyokong yang dijangka ramai.
Namun, pada pendapat kami, pencegahan dan pengawalan tersebut tidak sepatutnya sehingga menjadi penghalang kepada proses penamaan calon. Proses tersebut bukan hanya melibatkan calon, wakil calon, saksi dan pegawai SPR tetapi juga pemilih Hulu Selangor yang berhak memeriksa latar calon di ruang pameran yang disediakan dan membuat bantahan sekiranya perlu.
Pemilih Hulu Selangor khasnya dan penyokong parti (dari kalangan pemilih Hulu Selangor) amnya, perlu diberikan ruang keselesaan untuk melihat nama-nama calon yang dipamerkan dan mengemukakan bantahan sekiranya perlu dalam tempoh masa satu jam yang diberikan iaitu dari jam 10 hingga 11 pagi.
Walaupun tidak dapat membuat pemerhatian secara dekat, kami percaya nama-nama tersebut telah dipamerkan tetapi soalnya di mana dan adakah mudah bagi mana-mana pemilih untuk menelitinya? Berdasarkan pengamatan kami, tidak mudah.
Proses bantahan merupakan salah satu proses penting ketika penamaan walaupun peruntukan masanya pendek. Inilah hak yang diperuntukkan dalam Perkara 7, Peraturan Pilihan Raya 1981 iaitu bantahan boleh dibuat kepada kertas penamaan calon oleh sesiapa yang namanya tersenarai dalam senarai daftar pemilih bagi Kawasan Pemilihan dan oleh mana-mana calon bagi Kawasan Pemilihan. Oleh kerana masa yang pendek itulah, maka proses ini lebih-lebih lagi perlu dipermudahkan tanpa kebimbangan atau ketakutan kepada pembantah. Jika kawat berduri boleh melukakan Shafie Apdal dan Samy Vellu, jika kawalan polis teramat ketat dan jika lalu lintas teramat sesak, apakah hak dan proses ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik? Semalam, tiada bantahan telah diterima.
Dalam pada itu, pada pengamatan kami, walaupun terdapat insiden berbalas sorak dan dilaporkan balingan batu dan botol mineral namun kehadiran pihak polis telah berjaya mengawal kehadiran puluhan ribu penyokong dan mengelakkan daripada berlaku apa-apa insiden yang tidak diingini.
Selain daripada itu, kami juga difahamkan terdapat seorang bakal calon, Sdri J. Anuradha yang telah gagal menyerahkan borang pencalonannya sebagai calon bebas dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Menurut laporan media, beliau telah dihalang berbuat demikian walaupun mempunyai dokumen dan kertas penamaan calon. Di satu pihak lain melaporkan, beliau dan rombongannya tidak memiliki pas khas yang telah dikeluarkan SPR bagi menghantar borang penamaan calon. Beliau ditahan pada kira-kira jam 9.40 pagi dan kemudiannya dibenarkan masuk tetapi tetap gagal menyerahkan borang penamaan kerana melepasi jam 10.00 pagi.
Insiden ini tidak boleh dipandang mudah dan perlu diteliti oleh pihak SPR sekiranya berlaku pelanggaran hak bagi seseorang bakal calon. Pada masa ini pun, seseorang calon perlu menyediakan wang deposit yang besar untuk membolehkannya menjadi calon iaitu RM10,000 untuk kerusi Parlimen dan RM5,000 untuk kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri. Maka tidaklah seharusnya lain-lain proses menghalang seseorang yang cukup syaratnya daripada menawarkan diri sebagai calon.
Seperkara lagi yang menjadi pengamatan kami ialah penggunaan sumber dan jentera kerajaan. Hari penamaan calon dan hari-hari berikutnya sehinggalah hari sebelum hari mengundi ditafsirkan sebagai tempoh berkempen. Dalam tempoh ini, sekiranya penjawat jawatan kerajaan persekutuan atau kerajaan negeri seperti Perdana Menteri, kabinet, Menteri Besar dan EXCOnya terlibat dalam aktiviti kempen maka mereka perlulah melepaskan dirinya daripada kapasiti tersebut termasuklah menghindarkan diri daripada mengambil kesempatan daripada penggunaan sumber dan jentera kerajaan. Ini termasuklah menggunakan kenderaan rasmi, pengiring peronda polis, menggunakan kemudahan awam seperti sekolah dan lain-lain.
Dalam pengamatan kami ketika hari penamaan calon semalam, perkara ini berlaku khususnya yang melibatkan mereka yang berjawatan tinggi. Budaya ini sudah menjadi perkara biasa dalam situasi politik pilihan raya di tanah air kita dan dianggap sukar untuk dicegah. Namun, adakah kerana ia sukar dicegah maka ia tidak menjadi satu kesalahan?
Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 dalam Bahagian III, Perbuatan-perbuatan Rasuah menggariskan beberapa perkara yang menjadi kesalahan iaitu Perkara 7, Penyamaran; Perkara 8, Penjamuan; Perkara 9, Pengaruh Tidak Berpatutan dan Perkara 10, Penyogokan manakala Perkara 11, Hukuman dan Ketidakupayaan kerana Perbuatan Rasuah menggariskan hukuman jika disabitkan kesalahan. Ini adalah peruntukan undang-undang dan boleh dikuatkuasakan sekiranya dikehendaki.
Di samping itu, SPR ada mengeluarkan buku Kod Etika Pilihan raya atau Election Code of Ethics yang bertujuan untuk menyemaikan semangat dan sikap serta perlakuan yang baik di kalangan semua mereka yang terlibat semasa pilihan raya.
Perkara 6.2 (a) jelas mengatakan tidak boleh menggunakan bangunan awam untuk perhimpunan politik dan kempen, tanpa kebenaran bertulis daripada pihak berkuasa yang bertanggungjawab dan 6.2 (b) pula menyebutkan tidak boleh menggunakan kenderaan atau alat-alat komunikasi milik kerajaan untuk tujuan berkempen.
Dalam konteks ke arah pilihan raya yang bebas, adil dan telus, semua pihak seharusnya memainkan peranan mematuhi kod etika pilihan raya yang telah dibukukan oleh SPR. Peruntukan undang-undang wujud namun sekiranya tidak ada sesiapa pun yang menghormatinya atau menguatkuasakannya, maka ia tidak memberi apa-apa makna. Dan sekiranya dikuatkuasakan tetapi tidak mendapat kerjasama daripada semua pihak, sekali lagi kita tidak akan menzahirkan pilihan raya yang berintegriti, bebas, adil dan telus.
Hari ini sahaja, hari kedua kempen PRK Hulu Selangor, beberapa program yang melibatkan penjawat jawatan kerajaan berjalan di Hulu Selangor. Antaranya ialah:
• RM5.1juta diperuntukkan untuk membantu warga pekebun kecil Selangor. Ini diumumkan oleh Menteri Pembangunan Bandar dan Wilayah, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal dalam Majlis Pelancaran Tanam Semula Risda di Ulu Rening, Batang Kali
• Peruntukan RM6 juta untuk pembangunan Sekolah Kebangsaan Cina Bkt Beruntung. Diumumkan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 16 April ketika upacara pecah tanah sekolah
• Majlis Pelancaran pemasaran e-promosi Homestay di Felda Sg Tengi, Hulu Selangor oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Turut dihadiri oleh Menteri Pelancongan, Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen dan Menteri di JPM, Datuk Ahmad Maslan
Sudah tentulah mereka yang terlibat akan menafikan bahawa program-program tersebut berupa kempen dan telah dirancang lebih awal sebelum PRK. Dan sebelum apa-apa tuduhan dibuat, kami juga akan menegur pihak lawan, dalam konteks ini Pakatan Rakyat, sekiranya penjawat jawatan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor mengambil kesempatan di atas jawatannya dan program rasmi negeri untuk berkempen. Tidak ada salahnya berkempen dengan bersungguh-sungguh tetapi laksanakanlah dengan penuh amanah, jujur dan bertanggungjawab.
Pada akhirnya, kesedaran rakyat terhadap proses demokrasi pilihan raya dan hak mereka dalam proses tersebut amatlah penting. Kesedaran rakyat pertamanya, tentang hak dan tanggungjawab mengundi dan keduanya, tentang kebijaksanaan menilai kejujuran parti dan calon yang bertanding. Kesedaran ini harus dipupuk dan ditingkat kepada tindakan supaya proses pilihan raya dapat diperbaiki pada masa akan datang. Yang terdekat ialah PRK Parlimen Sibu pada 16 Mei 2010. PRK yang ke-11 selepas PRU ke-12!
Kita tidak mungkin memperolehi sistem yang sempurna di mana semua pihak memahami dan melaksanakan tanggungjawab masing-masing dengan jujur, amanah dan adil, namun tidak ada sesiapa patut rela dengan kaedah dan perbuatan yang keji lagi terkutuk seperti rasuah, berbohong, fitnah, menindas dan salahguna kuasa seolah-olah tidak ada tuhan dan tidak ada hari Kiamat di mana seseorang itu boleh dipersoalkan!
Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh
Pengerusi MAFREL
Friday, April 23, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sibu by-election: Nomination May 8, polling May 16
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sibu by-election: Nomination May 8, polling May 16
sSibu by-election 2010-04-16 13:27
SHAH ALAM, April 16 (Bernama) -- Nomination for the Sibu parliamentary by-election is on May 8 and polling on May 16, in the event of a contest.
Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, in announcing the dates today, said the by-election was being held following the death of incumbent Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew, who was deputy transport minister, last Friday.
The EC received the notification of death from the Dewan Rakyat Speaker on April 12 and determined that the seat fell vacant on April 10.
Under the Federal Constitution, a by-election had to be held within 60 days of the vacancy, he told a news conference here today.
Earlier, he presented the letter of appointment as returning officer to Sibu distrit officer Wong See Meng who would be assisted by four assistant returning officers from the government department in Sarawak.
He said the master election roll for 2009, updated until April 9 this year, would be used for the by-election.
Sibu has 54,695 registered voters comprising 52,158 normal voters and 2,537 postal voters made up of 1,910 military and 627 police personnel.
Abdul Aziz said the nomination and tallying of the normal ballots would be held at the Dewan Suarah, Sibu, while the issuance and counting of the postal ballots would be done at the Sibu district office.
Forty-five polling stations would be opened at 39 schools, two kindergartens, a training centre, long house, public library and public recreational centre with 110 streams and 1,149 workers would be involved.
The electoral role for the by-election would be on sale from April 26 and voters could check their polling station through the EC website or the short messaging service from April 24 or call the state EC and Putrajaya.
The EC would set up six election campaign teams to monitor the activities of the candidates, he added.
Sibu by-election: Nomination May 8, polling May 16
sSibu by-election 2010-04-16 13:27
SHAH ALAM, April 16 (Bernama) -- Nomination for the Sibu parliamentary by-election is on May 8 and polling on May 16, in the event of a contest.
Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, in announcing the dates today, said the by-election was being held following the death of incumbent Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew, who was deputy transport minister, last Friday.
The EC received the notification of death from the Dewan Rakyat Speaker on April 12 and determined that the seat fell vacant on April 10.
Under the Federal Constitution, a by-election had to be held within 60 days of the vacancy, he told a news conference here today.
Earlier, he presented the letter of appointment as returning officer to Sibu distrit officer Wong See Meng who would be assisted by four assistant returning officers from the government department in Sarawak.
He said the master election roll for 2009, updated until April 9 this year, would be used for the by-election.
Sibu has 54,695 registered voters comprising 52,158 normal voters and 2,537 postal voters made up of 1,910 military and 627 police personnel.
Abdul Aziz said the nomination and tallying of the normal ballots would be held at the Dewan Suarah, Sibu, while the issuance and counting of the postal ballots would be done at the Sibu district office.
Forty-five polling stations would be opened at 39 schools, two kindergartens, a training centre, long house, public library and public recreational centre with 110 streams and 1,149 workers would be involved.
The electoral role for the by-election would be on sale from April 26 and voters could check their polling station through the EC website or the short messaging service from April 24 or call the state EC and Putrajaya.
The EC would set up six election campaign teams to monitor the activities of the candidates, he added.
Sibu by-election: Nomination May 8, polling May 16
Sibu by-election: Nomination May 8, polling May 16
NewsSibu by-election 2010-04-16 13:27
SHAH ALAM, April 16 (Bernama) -- Nomination for the Sibu parliamentary by-election is on May 8 and polling on May 16, in the event of a contest.
Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, in announcing the dates today, said the by-election was being held following the death of incumbent Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew, who was deputy transport minister, last Friday.
The EC received the notification of death from the Dewan Rakyat Speaker on April 12 and determined that the seat fell vacant on April 10.
Under the Federal Constitution, a by-election had to be held within 60 days of the vacancy, he told a news conference here today.
Earlier, he presented the letter of appointment as returning officer to Sibu distrit officer Wong See Meng who would be assisted by four assistant returning officers from the government department in Sarawak.
He said the master election roll for 2009, updated until April 9 this year, would be used for the by-election.
Sibu has 54,695 registered voters comprising 52,158 normal voters and 2,537 postal voters made up of 1,910 military and 627 police personnel.
Abdul Aziz said the nomination and tallying of the normal ballots would be held at the Dewan Suarah, Sibu, while the issuance and counting of the postal ballots would be done at the Sibu district office.
Forty-five polling stations would be opened at 39 schools, two kindergartens, a training centre, long house, public library and public recreational centre with 110 streams and 1,149 workers would be involved.
The electoral role for the by-election would be on sale from April 26 and voters could check their polling station through the EC website or the short messaging service from April 24 or call the state EC and Putrajaya.
The EC would set up six election campaign teams to monitor the activities of the candidates, he added.
NewsSibu by-election 2010-04-16 13:27
SHAH ALAM, April 16 (Bernama) -- Nomination for the Sibu parliamentary by-election is on May 8 and polling on May 16, in the event of a contest.
Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, in announcing the dates today, said the by-election was being held following the death of incumbent Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew, who was deputy transport minister, last Friday.
The EC received the notification of death from the Dewan Rakyat Speaker on April 12 and determined that the seat fell vacant on April 10.
Under the Federal Constitution, a by-election had to be held within 60 days of the vacancy, he told a news conference here today.
Earlier, he presented the letter of appointment as returning officer to Sibu distrit officer Wong See Meng who would be assisted by four assistant returning officers from the government department in Sarawak.
He said the master election roll for 2009, updated until April 9 this year, would be used for the by-election.
Sibu has 54,695 registered voters comprising 52,158 normal voters and 2,537 postal voters made up of 1,910 military and 627 police personnel.
Abdul Aziz said the nomination and tallying of the normal ballots would be held at the Dewan Suarah, Sibu, while the issuance and counting of the postal ballots would be done at the Sibu district office.
Forty-five polling stations would be opened at 39 schools, two kindergartens, a training centre, long house, public library and public recreational centre with 110 streams and 1,149 workers would be involved.
The electoral role for the by-election would be on sale from April 26 and voters could check their polling station through the EC website or the short messaging service from April 24 or call the state EC and Putrajaya.
The EC would set up six election campaign teams to monitor the activities of the candidates, he added.
Operation Centre at:
No.7, Jalan Tulip 3,
Seksyen BS 2,
Bukit Sentosa.
VENUE: Operations Centre
TIME: 10.00 AM
10.00 Introduction by Chairman.
10.30 Briefing by Hon Secretary .
12.30 LUNCH.
14.00 Recce Polling Centres.
Operation Centre at:
No.7, Jalan Tulip 3,
Seksyen BS 2,
Bukit Sentosa.
VENUE: Operations Centre
TIME: 10.00 AM
10.00 Introduction by Chairman.
10.30 Briefing by Hon Secretary .
12.30 LUNCH.
14.00 Recce Polling Centres.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Please submit your email addresses to me:
I need to distribute Map Location for out breafing 24/4/10
I need to distribute Map Location for out breafing 24/4/10
Kenyataan Akhbar19 April 2010
jMAFREL (640757-M)Malaysians for Free and Fair ElectionsLot 300.1, Lorong Selangor, Pusat Bandar Melawati, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel : +6013 3682067 (Chairman) +6012 2731016 (Hon Secretary)
Kenyataan Akhbar19 April 2010
MAFREL Terus Berperanan Memantau Pilihan Raya
Pada hari ini, Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (MAFREL), Badan Pemantau Pilihan Raya Malaysia ingin mengukuhkan komitmennya untuk terus berperanan dalam memantau pilihan raya negara agar menjadi salah satu proses demokrasi yang bebas, adil, telus dan mencerminkan kehendak mandat pilihan rakyat.
Sehubungan itu, MAFREL ingin mengumumkan misi permerhatiannya terhadap Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Parlimen Hulu Selangor yang bermula dengan penamaan calon pada 17 April 2010 dan pengundian pada 25 April 2010. MAFREL seperti biasa akan melaksanakan pemerhatian terhadap beberapa proses pilihan raya iaitu hari penamaan calon, kempen, hari pengundian dan pasca pilihan raya. Tiga orang pemerhati Mafrel telah berada di Kuala Kubu Baru hari Sabtu yang lalu untuk membuat pemerhatian proses penamaan calon. Mafrel juga akan menjalankan pemerhatian terhadap Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Sibu yang akan diadakan pada 16 Mei 2010.
Seramai lebih daripada 20 orang sukarelawan terlatih akan ditugaskan sepanjang proses pilihan raya tersebut. MAFREL akan memberi tumpuan pemerhatian kepada usaha-usaha memberi atau menawarkan rasuah kepada pengundi-pengundi, penyalahgunaan kemudahan dan jentera kerajaan dan sumber awam serta akan berwaspada di atas kemungkinan berlakunya perbuatan-perbuatan atau tindakan ganas dan merbahaya semasa kempen.
Isu SPR tarik semula pengiktirafan terhadap MAFREL
Di kesempatan ini, MAFREL ingin menjelaskan perkembangan tentang pengumuman Timbalan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Dato’ Wan Ahmad Wan Omar baru-baru ini iaitu tentang pengiktirafan MAFREL yang telah ditarik semula oleh SPR bagi PRK Hulu Selangor.
Sayugia dijelaskan bahawa pengiktirafan SPR terhadap MAFREL adalah sejajar dengan kehendak peraturan 8 yang memperuntukkan perkataan-perkataan “kecuali atas permintaan”, kehendak peraturan 15 (3) yang memperuntukkan perkataan-perkataan “atau orang-orang lain yang dibenarkan secara bertulis oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya” dan kehendak peraturan 25 (2)(d) yang memperuntukkan perkataan-perkataan “orang yang dibenarkan secara bertulis oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya” di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihanraya (Penjalanan Pilihanraya) 1981.
Pada setiap kali Pilihan Raya Umum atau PRK, MAFREL perlu memohon mendapatkan kebenaran secara bertulis dari SPR bagi membolehkan pemerhati-pemerhati pilihanraya yang ditauliahkan oleh MAFREL menjalankan pemerhatian terhadap tatacara proses pilihan raya yang merangkumi pemerhatian seperti berikut:
Memerhati tatacara urusan pada hari penamaan dan urusan bantahan terhadap kertas-kertas penamaan seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 6 dan 7 di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Memerhati tatacara pengundian seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 dan 23 di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Memerhati tatacara apabila pengundian ditutup seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 24 di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Memerhati tatacara pengiraan undi sepertimana terkandung dalam peraturan 25 dan 25A di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981; dan
Memerhati tatacara penjumlahan rasmi undi-undi seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 25D di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Dalam konteks PRK Hulu Selangor, MAFREL sebenarnya belum membuat permohonan kepada pihak SPR tetapi difahamkan melalui media bahawa pengiktirafan tidak akan diberikan. Atas dasar itu, MAFREL telah memohon penjelasan daripada Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz melalui surat yang telah dihantar pada 12 April 2010. Sehingga kenyataan ini dikeluarkan, MAFREL belum menerima apa-apa maklum balas.
Pada masa yang sama, sayugia dijelaskan bahawa pengiktirafan berkenaan hanyalah meliputi kebenaran pemerhatian tatacara penamaan calon dalam pusat penamaan calon, tatacara pengundian dalam pusat mengundi dan tatacara penjumlahan rasmi dalam pusat penjumlahan undi. Ia tidak menghadkan pemerhatian terhadap persekitaran luar pusat penamaan calon, persekitaran luar pusat mengundi, suasana kempen dan persekitaran luar pusat penjumlahan undi. Berdasarkan pengalaman MAFREL yang telah memantau pilihan raya sejak tahun 2004, banyak insiden salahlaku dan pelanggaran pilihan raya yang besar berlaku di luar daripada pusat penamaan calon, pusat mengundi atau pusat penjumlahan undi. Contohnya, permasalahan daftar pemilih yang sering diragui, penyalahgunaan jentera dan sumber kerajaan atau penawaran suapan atau rasuah dalam bentuk wang, material dan projek ‘mee segera’ ketika berkempen selain liputan media yang berat sebelah.
Atas sebab itu, MAFREL tetap terus melaksanakan pemerhatian dan gerak kerjanya demi memastikan pilihan raya yang bebas lagi adil. Namun, MAFREL masih mengharapkan jawapan rasmi SPR tentang status pengiktirafannya. Sekiranya benar pengiktirafan tidak diberikan, MAFREL berharap ianya akan ditimbangkan semula demi manfaat kepada kedua-dua belah pihak. Sebagaimana yang telah saya jelaskan kepada media, sekiranya laporan-laporan yang gagal disiapkan oleh MAFREL menjadi sebab pengiktirafan tidak diberikan maka MAFREL sedia memberi komitmen menyiapkan semua laporan berkenaan sebelum PRK Hulu Selangor.
Amalkan Etika Pilihan raya yang adil dan bebas
MAFREL menggagaskan pilihanraya yang berwibawa, aman, bebas dan adil. Ia berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi dan demokrasi sebagaimana termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, perjanjian dan protokol antarabangsa.
Atas dasar ini, MAFREL ingin menggesa parti-parti lawan dan penyokong memainkan peranan melindungi hak-hak pemilih dengan membenarkan mereka merumus dan memutuskan undi mereka secara bebas tanpa melanggar mana-mana undang-undang dan peraturan pilihanraya. Kebebasan kemahuan dan pilihan pemilih mestilah dihormati.
MAFREL menggesa SPR dan Polis untuk mengamalkan keadilan dan keseimbangan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab sepanjang proses pilihanraya dengan mengambilkira kepentingan pemilih.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Syed Ibrahim Syed NohPengerusi
MAFREL is a non-partisan election observation and monitoring organization formed in 2003. Since its inception, MAFREL has conducted electoral rolls verification programmes to research on the issues of phantom voters and authenticity of the electoral rolls in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. MAFREL has also extensive experience in election observation and since December 2005, has conducted extensive election observations in the Pengkalan Pasir, Kelantan by-election (December 2005), the 9th Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Elections (2006), the N.6 Batu Talam by-election (2007), the N.8 Machap by-election (2007), the N.11 Ijok by-election (2007). In March 2008 MAFREL received official accreditation from Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (SPR) to observe the 12th General Election. MAFREL’s last involvement as accredited observers was in the N.31 Bagan Pinang by-election in October, 2009. MAFREL has also participated in international election observation missions in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Thailand and Bangladesh.
For more information, please contactDeputy Chairman : Colonel (R) Shaharudin Othman – 019 2344 366Honorary Secretary : Arphan Ahmad – 012 273 1016
Kenyataan Akhbar19 April 2010
MAFREL Terus Berperanan Memantau Pilihan Raya
Pada hari ini, Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (MAFREL), Badan Pemantau Pilihan Raya Malaysia ingin mengukuhkan komitmennya untuk terus berperanan dalam memantau pilihan raya negara agar menjadi salah satu proses demokrasi yang bebas, adil, telus dan mencerminkan kehendak mandat pilihan rakyat.
Sehubungan itu, MAFREL ingin mengumumkan misi permerhatiannya terhadap Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Parlimen Hulu Selangor yang bermula dengan penamaan calon pada 17 April 2010 dan pengundian pada 25 April 2010. MAFREL seperti biasa akan melaksanakan pemerhatian terhadap beberapa proses pilihan raya iaitu hari penamaan calon, kempen, hari pengundian dan pasca pilihan raya. Tiga orang pemerhati Mafrel telah berada di Kuala Kubu Baru hari Sabtu yang lalu untuk membuat pemerhatian proses penamaan calon. Mafrel juga akan menjalankan pemerhatian terhadap Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Sibu yang akan diadakan pada 16 Mei 2010.
Seramai lebih daripada 20 orang sukarelawan terlatih akan ditugaskan sepanjang proses pilihan raya tersebut. MAFREL akan memberi tumpuan pemerhatian kepada usaha-usaha memberi atau menawarkan rasuah kepada pengundi-pengundi, penyalahgunaan kemudahan dan jentera kerajaan dan sumber awam serta akan berwaspada di atas kemungkinan berlakunya perbuatan-perbuatan atau tindakan ganas dan merbahaya semasa kempen.
Isu SPR tarik semula pengiktirafan terhadap MAFREL
Di kesempatan ini, MAFREL ingin menjelaskan perkembangan tentang pengumuman Timbalan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Dato’ Wan Ahmad Wan Omar baru-baru ini iaitu tentang pengiktirafan MAFREL yang telah ditarik semula oleh SPR bagi PRK Hulu Selangor.
Sayugia dijelaskan bahawa pengiktirafan SPR terhadap MAFREL adalah sejajar dengan kehendak peraturan 8 yang memperuntukkan perkataan-perkataan “kecuali atas permintaan”, kehendak peraturan 15 (3) yang memperuntukkan perkataan-perkataan “atau orang-orang lain yang dibenarkan secara bertulis oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya” dan kehendak peraturan 25 (2)(d) yang memperuntukkan perkataan-perkataan “orang yang dibenarkan secara bertulis oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya” di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihanraya (Penjalanan Pilihanraya) 1981.
Pada setiap kali Pilihan Raya Umum atau PRK, MAFREL perlu memohon mendapatkan kebenaran secara bertulis dari SPR bagi membolehkan pemerhati-pemerhati pilihanraya yang ditauliahkan oleh MAFREL menjalankan pemerhatian terhadap tatacara proses pilihan raya yang merangkumi pemerhatian seperti berikut:
Memerhati tatacara urusan pada hari penamaan dan urusan bantahan terhadap kertas-kertas penamaan seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 6 dan 7 di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Memerhati tatacara pengundian seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 dan 23 di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Memerhati tatacara apabila pengundian ditutup seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 24 di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Memerhati tatacara pengiraan undi sepertimana terkandung dalam peraturan 25 dan 25A di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981; dan
Memerhati tatacara penjumlahan rasmi undi-undi seperti mana terkandung dalam peraturan 25D di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan raya (Penjalanan Pilihan raya) 1981;
Dalam konteks PRK Hulu Selangor, MAFREL sebenarnya belum membuat permohonan kepada pihak SPR tetapi difahamkan melalui media bahawa pengiktirafan tidak akan diberikan. Atas dasar itu, MAFREL telah memohon penjelasan daripada Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz melalui surat yang telah dihantar pada 12 April 2010. Sehingga kenyataan ini dikeluarkan, MAFREL belum menerima apa-apa maklum balas.
Pada masa yang sama, sayugia dijelaskan bahawa pengiktirafan berkenaan hanyalah meliputi kebenaran pemerhatian tatacara penamaan calon dalam pusat penamaan calon, tatacara pengundian dalam pusat mengundi dan tatacara penjumlahan rasmi dalam pusat penjumlahan undi. Ia tidak menghadkan pemerhatian terhadap persekitaran luar pusat penamaan calon, persekitaran luar pusat mengundi, suasana kempen dan persekitaran luar pusat penjumlahan undi. Berdasarkan pengalaman MAFREL yang telah memantau pilihan raya sejak tahun 2004, banyak insiden salahlaku dan pelanggaran pilihan raya yang besar berlaku di luar daripada pusat penamaan calon, pusat mengundi atau pusat penjumlahan undi. Contohnya, permasalahan daftar pemilih yang sering diragui, penyalahgunaan jentera dan sumber kerajaan atau penawaran suapan atau rasuah dalam bentuk wang, material dan projek ‘mee segera’ ketika berkempen selain liputan media yang berat sebelah.
Atas sebab itu, MAFREL tetap terus melaksanakan pemerhatian dan gerak kerjanya demi memastikan pilihan raya yang bebas lagi adil. Namun, MAFREL masih mengharapkan jawapan rasmi SPR tentang status pengiktirafannya. Sekiranya benar pengiktirafan tidak diberikan, MAFREL berharap ianya akan ditimbangkan semula demi manfaat kepada kedua-dua belah pihak. Sebagaimana yang telah saya jelaskan kepada media, sekiranya laporan-laporan yang gagal disiapkan oleh MAFREL menjadi sebab pengiktirafan tidak diberikan maka MAFREL sedia memberi komitmen menyiapkan semua laporan berkenaan sebelum PRK Hulu Selangor.
Amalkan Etika Pilihan raya yang adil dan bebas
MAFREL menggagaskan pilihanraya yang berwibawa, aman, bebas dan adil. Ia berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi dan demokrasi sebagaimana termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, perjanjian dan protokol antarabangsa.
Atas dasar ini, MAFREL ingin menggesa parti-parti lawan dan penyokong memainkan peranan melindungi hak-hak pemilih dengan membenarkan mereka merumus dan memutuskan undi mereka secara bebas tanpa melanggar mana-mana undang-undang dan peraturan pilihanraya. Kebebasan kemahuan dan pilihan pemilih mestilah dihormati.
MAFREL menggesa SPR dan Polis untuk mengamalkan keadilan dan keseimbangan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab sepanjang proses pilihanraya dengan mengambilkira kepentingan pemilih.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Syed Ibrahim Syed NohPengerusi
MAFREL is a non-partisan election observation and monitoring organization formed in 2003. Since its inception, MAFREL has conducted electoral rolls verification programmes to research on the issues of phantom voters and authenticity of the electoral rolls in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. MAFREL has also extensive experience in election observation and since December 2005, has conducted extensive election observations in the Pengkalan Pasir, Kelantan by-election (December 2005), the 9th Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Elections (2006), the N.6 Batu Talam by-election (2007), the N.8 Machap by-election (2007), the N.11 Ijok by-election (2007). In March 2008 MAFREL received official accreditation from Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (SPR) to observe the 12th General Election. MAFREL’s last involvement as accredited observers was in the N.31 Bagan Pinang by-election in October, 2009. MAFREL has also participated in international election observation missions in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Thailand and Bangladesh.
For more information, please contactDeputy Chairman : Colonel (R) Shaharudin Othman – 019 2344 366Honorary Secretary : Arphan Ahmad – 012 273 1016
Friday, April 9, 2010
Hulu Selangor by-election: MAFREL admits failure to submit reports
Hulu Selangor by-election: MAFREL admits failure to submit reports
Hulu Selangor by-election: MAFREL admits failure to submit reports
Submitted by pekwan on Thursday, April 8th, 2010
Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir ToyoDatuk Zainal Abidin SakomHulu Selangor Parliamentary by-electionLocalMalaysian for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel)Zaid Ibrahim
Prominent politicans give their support to PM's candidacy decision
Thursday, April 8th, 2010 12:36:00
PETALING JAYA: Despite admitting that it had failed to submit reports for nine by-elections, election watchdog group Malaysian for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) has chosen to be defiant by insisting that its volunteers would be present at the Hulu Selangor by-election.
Responding to a report yesterday quoting Election Commission (EC) deputy chairman Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar as saying that it was dropping Mafrel as its independent observers due to its failure to submit the reports, Mafrel president Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh told The Malay Mail that it had not received official word from the EC.
"I cannot verify his (Wan Ahmad's) statement. It comes as a surprise as we have not even applied for accreditation from the EC," he said. "In fact, we hope to do so by this week."
Syed Ibrahim said even if what Wan Ahmad had said was true, it still would not jeopardise Mafrel’s monitoring of the by-election.
“EC accreditation is only for access to election centres, nomination centres and vote-tallying centres. We don’t need the EC’s blessings to work outside these areas to monitor campaign activities, media reports, material giving cases, incidents of violence, verifying the electoral roll and overall environment assessment,” he said, adding that Mafrel was gathering between 90 and 100 volunteers for the by-election.
On Mafrel's failure to submit reports on the last nine by-elections, starting from Permatang Pauh in 2008, Syed Ibrahim said Mafrel was still trying to overcome its weaknesses.
“Our reporting standard is high because we insist on producing good reports. Whatever it is the data we have collected or photos compiled, these must be recorded in an orderly fashion so that the reports would be useful to anyone reading it,” he said.
“The nine by-elections from Permatang Pauh to Bagan Pinang were held too close to each other. That was very challenging for us as it did not give us much time to process one report properly before having to move on to the next.”
He said it would take two months for Mafrel to produce one report. The EC allows a one-month postelection period to petition should any quarter have grouses with the election and want to file a complaint.
“Mafrel follows the EC’s timeline on this matter so that we can include post-election incidents in our report,” said Syed Ibrahim, adding that the nine reports would be submitted before the next byelection.
Syed Ibrahim said he hoped that the EC would consider Mafrel’s accreditation application. Mafrel had recently come under the spotlight when Selangor Umno deputy liaison committee chief, Datuk Seri Noh Omar, labelled it an “Opposition mouthpiece” for saying Barisan Nasional had broken election rules ahead of the Hulu Selangor by-election on April 25 by allegedly starting campaigning and giving allocations to Hulu Selangor voters.
Noh had claimed that Pakatan Rakyat had also done the same but was not criticised by Mafrel.
Hulu Selangor by-election: MAFREL admits failure to submit reports
Submitted by pekwan on Thursday, April 8th, 2010
Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir ToyoDatuk Zainal Abidin SakomHulu Selangor Parliamentary by-electionLocalMalaysian for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel)Zaid Ibrahim
Prominent politicans give their support to PM's candidacy decision
Thursday, April 8th, 2010 12:36:00
PETALING JAYA: Despite admitting that it had failed to submit reports for nine by-elections, election watchdog group Malaysian for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) has chosen to be defiant by insisting that its volunteers would be present at the Hulu Selangor by-election.
Responding to a report yesterday quoting Election Commission (EC) deputy chairman Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar as saying that it was dropping Mafrel as its independent observers due to its failure to submit the reports, Mafrel president Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh told The Malay Mail that it had not received official word from the EC.
"I cannot verify his (Wan Ahmad's) statement. It comes as a surprise as we have not even applied for accreditation from the EC," he said. "In fact, we hope to do so by this week."
Syed Ibrahim said even if what Wan Ahmad had said was true, it still would not jeopardise Mafrel’s monitoring of the by-election.
“EC accreditation is only for access to election centres, nomination centres and vote-tallying centres. We don’t need the EC’s blessings to work outside these areas to monitor campaign activities, media reports, material giving cases, incidents of violence, verifying the electoral roll and overall environment assessment,” he said, adding that Mafrel was gathering between 90 and 100 volunteers for the by-election.
On Mafrel's failure to submit reports on the last nine by-elections, starting from Permatang Pauh in 2008, Syed Ibrahim said Mafrel was still trying to overcome its weaknesses.
“Our reporting standard is high because we insist on producing good reports. Whatever it is the data we have collected or photos compiled, these must be recorded in an orderly fashion so that the reports would be useful to anyone reading it,” he said.
“The nine by-elections from Permatang Pauh to Bagan Pinang were held too close to each other. That was very challenging for us as it did not give us much time to process one report properly before having to move on to the next.”
He said it would take two months for Mafrel to produce one report. The EC allows a one-month postelection period to petition should any quarter have grouses with the election and want to file a complaint.
“Mafrel follows the EC’s timeline on this matter so that we can include post-election incidents in our report,” said Syed Ibrahim, adding that the nine reports would be submitted before the next byelection.
Syed Ibrahim said he hoped that the EC would consider Mafrel’s accreditation application. Mafrel had recently come under the spotlight when Selangor Umno deputy liaison committee chief, Datuk Seri Noh Omar, labelled it an “Opposition mouthpiece” for saying Barisan Nasional had broken election rules ahead of the Hulu Selangor by-election on April 25 by allegedly starting campaigning and giving allocations to Hulu Selangor voters.
Noh had claimed that Pakatan Rakyat had also done the same but was not criticised by Mafrel.
Display list of members, Mafrel told
KUALA LUMPUR: Independent election monitor, Malaysians for Free Elections (Mafrel), has been challenged to reveal the names of the individuals sitting on its board.
Umno Federal Territory, which made the call, said it was the only way to prove that Mafrel was “indeed independent”.
“Mafrel should revel the names of individuals who sit on its board. It would be interesting to know who is sitting on the board and also why Mafrel is always complaining about the government every time there’s an election,” FT Umno secretary Syed Ali Alhabshee said.
He also urged Mafrel to stop being a “seasonal busybody” and to refrain from urging the Election Commission to act against the government for allegedly abusing its power.
“All it shows is that Mafrel is an independent body that rides on the back of the opposition, a seasonal busybody whose role is just to fuel the situation,” he said.
“If Mafrel was efficient, it should have forwarded its observations of the election process to the EC, but I understand that the EC has not received any reports from Mafrel until now.
“So what exactly is Mafrel monitoring?” he asked.
Syed Ali was commenting on the EC’s dismissal of Mafrel as an independent election monitor for the Hulu Selangor by-election following complaints from Umno Selangor after Mafrel ticked off the federal government.
Mafrel had earlier chided the federal government for launching its housing and school project to coincide with the Hulu Selangor by-election.
Pakatan Rakyat has come out strongly against the EC's decision. It has alleged that Umno and the EC are in cahoots to manipulate the outcome of the Hulu Selangor polls.
Umno Federal Territory, which made the call, said it was the only way to prove that Mafrel was “indeed independent”.
“Mafrel should revel the names of individuals who sit on its board. It would be interesting to know who is sitting on the board and also why Mafrel is always complaining about the government every time there’s an election,” FT Umno secretary Syed Ali Alhabshee said.
He also urged Mafrel to stop being a “seasonal busybody” and to refrain from urging the Election Commission to act against the government for allegedly abusing its power.
“All it shows is that Mafrel is an independent body that rides on the back of the opposition, a seasonal busybody whose role is just to fuel the situation,” he said.
“If Mafrel was efficient, it should have forwarded its observations of the election process to the EC, but I understand that the EC has not received any reports from Mafrel until now.
“So what exactly is Mafrel monitoring?” he asked.
Syed Ali was commenting on the EC’s dismissal of Mafrel as an independent election monitor for the Hulu Selangor by-election following complaints from Umno Selangor after Mafrel ticked off the federal government.
Mafrel had earlier chided the federal government for launching its housing and school project to coincide with the Hulu Selangor by-election.
Pakatan Rakyat has come out strongly against the EC's decision. It has alleged that Umno and the EC are in cahoots to manipulate the outcome of the Hulu Selangor polls.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
EC drops MAFREL = massive cheating ahead by BN in H. S'gor?
EC drops MAFREL = massive cheating ahead by BN in H. S'gor?
I think with the dropping of MAFREL as independent election-observers by the EC, we are looking at some hard core cheating by BN down at Hulu Selangor.
This moves reminds me most vividly of BN’s actions just before March 8th, where they cancelled the use of indelible ink to prevent repeat/phantom voters.
I think in that case, it signalled a clear sign of desperation, given the feedback they must have gotten from the ground (think SB) about voter inclinations and trends leading into the last few days.
Thus, I take this as a good sign – one which may very well mean the winds are on our backs!
Of course, it also means we have to work doubly hard to prevent and compensate for massive cheating on the part of BN and the EC!
On another semi-interesting note, observe the language at the BN Selangor convention:
“BN cannot stick to narrow racial ideology. BN cannot use old methodology to address new problems,” convention chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Zin Mohamed declared to some 1,500 BN grassroots leaders from across the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled (PR) state.
“Umno for example must not only talk about the Malays and Islam but must also fight for the Chinese, Indians and others; it’s the same with MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP. we have to be ahead of the times,” said Mohd Zin who is also the Sepang Umno division chief.
“If we continue to fan racial sentiment, we will not be able to recapture Selangor,” said Mohd Zin.
“The people will continue to doubt us if BN keeps rejecting reality, and is slow in reforming,” said Mohd Zin.
Once again, this is the benefit of true political competition.
It’s good that some in BN can see the writing on the wall, but as I wrote last: are they too trapped to really change?
I for one found the backdrop to this picture really funny:

I think it is less “BN Mampu Berubah” than it is “BN terpaksa berubah kerana Pakatan” :P :)
EC drops MAFREL = massive cheating ahead by BN in H. S'gor?
I think with the dropping of MAFREL as independent election-observers by the EC, we are looking at some hard core cheating by BN down at Hulu Selangor.
This moves reminds me most vividly of BN’s actions just before March 8th, where they cancelled the use of indelible ink to prevent repeat/phantom voters.
I think in that case, it signalled a clear sign of desperation, given the feedback they must have gotten from the ground (think SB) about voter inclinations and trends leading into the last few days.
Thus, I take this as a good sign – one which may very well mean the winds are on our backs!
Of course, it also means we have to work doubly hard to prevent and compensate for massive cheating on the part of BN and the EC!
On another semi-interesting note, observe the language at the BN Selangor convention:
“BN cannot stick to narrow racial ideology. BN cannot use old methodology to address new problems,” convention chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Zin Mohamed declared to some 1,500 BN grassroots leaders from across the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled (PR) state.
“Umno for example must not only talk about the Malays and Islam but must also fight for the Chinese, Indians and others; it’s the same with MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP. we have to be ahead of the times,” said Mohd Zin who is also the Sepang Umno division chief.
“If we continue to fan racial sentiment, we will not be able to recapture Selangor,” said Mohd Zin.
“The people will continue to doubt us if BN keeps rejecting reality, and is slow in reforming,” said Mohd Zin.
Once again, this is the benefit of true political competition.
It’s good that some in BN can see the writing on the wall, but as I wrote last: are they too trapped to really change?
I for one found the backdrop to this picture really funny:

I think it is less “BN Mampu Berubah” than it is “BN terpaksa berubah kerana Pakatan” :P :)
EC drops local polls watchdog in Hulu Selangor
EC drops local polls watchdog in Hulu Selangor
By G. Manimaran
Bahasa Malaysia Editor
KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 — The Election Commission (EC) has dropped the local election watchdog, Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel), as official election monitors in the Hulu Selangor by-election as it has not sent reports for the previous nine by-elections since Election 2008.
Mafrel is the only election watchdog recognised by the EC but it was slammed by Selangor Umno deputy chief Datuk Seri Noh Omar who called them “mouthpieces of the opposition” two days ago for saying the coalition broke election rules ahead of the April 25 vote.
“We won’t appoint Mafrel as independent election monitors for the EC at the Hulu Selangor by-election,” EC deputy chairman Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar told The Malaysian Insider last night.
It is understood that Mafrel could lose EC accreditation but still operate as election watchdog for the by-election when campaigning starts after nomination on April 17 .
But Wan Ahmad said the EC decision is not related to Noh’s criticism of Mafrel, adding its decision was made earlier.
The EC’s appointment of Mafrel in since Election 2008 has allowed the watchdog to monitor and report on everything related to the conduct of elections.
Wan Ahmad also stressed that Mafrel’s statements had nothing to do with the EC as it was done in their own capacity.
“The statements by Mafrel is not linked to the EC,” he said.
He added the EC has repeatedly asked for reports after each by-election but Mafrel had ignored the requests.
“We have given reminders after reminders to Mafrel to send in their reports but after nine by-elections starting from Permatang Pauh, we have not received even one.
“That is the the condition of appointment, to send monitoring reports... since the Permatang Pauh by-election (in August 2008) until the Bagan Pinang by-election last year, Mafrel has not sent a report although asked to do so,” Wan Ahmad said, describing Mafrel as “going against the conditions of appointment”.
Mafrel chairman Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh had earlier told The Malaysian Insider that no one, including the EC or politicians like Noh, can stop it from monitoring the elections.
But he expressed optimism that the relationship between Mafrel and the EC will continue to ensure a free and fair election for all.
“What Datuk Noh say is his right and we have a right to express our views too,” he added, commenting on Noh’s call to the EC to review Mafrel’s role as election watchdog.
Noh, who is Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister, said if Mafrel wanted to slam BN for going to the ground, campaigning and giving allocations to the people of Hulu Selangor before the campaign period started, it should be “fair and unbiased” about it as Pakatan Rakyat had done the same.
Mafrel had criticised the federal government for approving various housing and school projects in Hulu Selangor although the campaign period had not officially started yet.
“What has this got to do with Mafrel? The election has not started yet, Mafrel doesn’t understand their jurisdiction. They also don’t understand the EC’s regulations on the authority of the police and local government.
Syed Ibrahim said Mafrel has carried out its role since 2001 including the Sarawak Election in 2006 and the series of by-elections in the country.
“We monitor outside and within the campaign periods. The EC has acknowledged us and have asked us to monitor polling days too. So we work throughout time and during polling day. We censure what is wrong and report what is right,” he added, saying they are an impartial organisation.
EC drops local polls watchdog in Hulu Selangor
By G. Manimaran
Bahasa Malaysia Editor
KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 — The Election Commission (EC) has dropped the local election watchdog, Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel), as official election monitors in the Hulu Selangor by-election as it has not sent reports for the previous nine by-elections since Election 2008.
Mafrel is the only election watchdog recognised by the EC but it was slammed by Selangor Umno deputy chief Datuk Seri Noh Omar who called them “mouthpieces of the opposition” two days ago for saying the coalition broke election rules ahead of the April 25 vote.
“We won’t appoint Mafrel as independent election monitors for the EC at the Hulu Selangor by-election,” EC deputy chairman Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar told The Malaysian Insider last night.
It is understood that Mafrel could lose EC accreditation but still operate as election watchdog for the by-election when campaigning starts after nomination on April 17 .
But Wan Ahmad said the EC decision is not related to Noh’s criticism of Mafrel, adding its decision was made earlier.
The EC’s appointment of Mafrel in since Election 2008 has allowed the watchdog to monitor and report on everything related to the conduct of elections.
Wan Ahmad also stressed that Mafrel’s statements had nothing to do with the EC as it was done in their own capacity.
“The statements by Mafrel is not linked to the EC,” he said.
He added the EC has repeatedly asked for reports after each by-election but Mafrel had ignored the requests.
“We have given reminders after reminders to Mafrel to send in their reports but after nine by-elections starting from Permatang Pauh, we have not received even one.
“That is the the condition of appointment, to send monitoring reports... since the Permatang Pauh by-election (in August 2008) until the Bagan Pinang by-election last year, Mafrel has not sent a report although asked to do so,” Wan Ahmad said, describing Mafrel as “going against the conditions of appointment”.
Mafrel chairman Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh had earlier told The Malaysian Insider that no one, including the EC or politicians like Noh, can stop it from monitoring the elections.
But he expressed optimism that the relationship between Mafrel and the EC will continue to ensure a free and fair election for all.
“What Datuk Noh say is his right and we have a right to express our views too,” he added, commenting on Noh’s call to the EC to review Mafrel’s role as election watchdog.
Noh, who is Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister, said if Mafrel wanted to slam BN for going to the ground, campaigning and giving allocations to the people of Hulu Selangor before the campaign period started, it should be “fair and unbiased” about it as Pakatan Rakyat had done the same.
Mafrel had criticised the federal government for approving various housing and school projects in Hulu Selangor although the campaign period had not officially started yet.
“What has this got to do with Mafrel? The election has not started yet, Mafrel doesn’t understand their jurisdiction. They also don’t understand the EC’s regulations on the authority of the police and local government.
Syed Ibrahim said Mafrel has carried out its role since 2001 including the Sarawak Election in 2006 and the series of by-elections in the country.
“We monitor outside and within the campaign periods. The EC has acknowledged us and have asked us to monitor polling days too. So we work throughout time and during polling day. We censure what is wrong and report what is right,” he added, saying they are an impartial organisation.
Mafrel to press on regardless EC decision
Election watchdog Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) today said that it will carry on with its independent observer work with or without the support of the Election Commission (EC).
The EC was reported this morning as saying that it has dropped its recognition of Mafrel as an official election observer because it (Mafrel) had allegedly failed to hand over its reports for the past nine by-elections.
This EC decision comes just two days after Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister and Selangor Umno deputy chief Noh Omar accused Mafrel of being biased and called for its recognition by the EC to be reviewed.
"We will continue to monitor the upcoming Hulu Selangor by-election from outside the polling centres," said Mafrel president Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh (left) when asked for a response.
He explained that EC's recognition only allows Mafrel to observe polling and vote-counting at the tallying centres stressing the major part of Mafrel's work was outside those areas.
"From experience, most campaigning abuses such as corruption occurs outside the polling stations and there are also abuses in terms of media coverage," said Syed Ibrahim.
However, the watchdog chief, stated that the body will appeal the EC decision.
Reports not submitted
"Mafrel is already in the process of contacting the EC and we hope to meet them to appeal against their decision as soon as possible," said Syed Ibrahim.
Syed Ibrahim conceded that Mafrel's reports for the past nine by-elections had not been submitted to the commission.
Explaining the delay, he said: "Unlike a general election where we can be more selective on where to focus, we had the same team covering new by-elections even before the previous reports were completed.
"We want to ensure that the reports are up to proper standards and will hand all reports over to the EC before the coming Hulu Selangor by-election," he assured.
When asked if the EC's move was politically-motivated, Syed Ibrahim said that was difficult to determine but said it would be disappointing if it were true.
"If their decision was made because political pressure was exerted onto them, then it is very unfortunate because the EC should be independent," he said.
With about 90 expected volunteers, Mafrel will begin ground observation for the Hulu-Selangor by-election on nomination day on April 17, maintaining a presence until polling day on April 25.
Election watchdog Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) today said that it will carry on with its independent observer work with or without the support of the Election Commission (EC).
The EC was reported this morning as saying that it has dropped its recognition of Mafrel as an official election observer because it (Mafrel) had allegedly failed to hand over its reports for the past nine by-elections.
This EC decision comes just two days after Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister and Selangor Umno deputy chief Noh Omar accused Mafrel of being biased and called for its recognition by the EC to be reviewed.
"We will continue to monitor the upcoming Hulu Selangor by-election from outside the polling centres," said Mafrel president Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh (left) when asked for a response.
He explained that EC's recognition only allows Mafrel to observe polling and vote-counting at the tallying centres stressing the major part of Mafrel's work was outside those areas.
"From experience, most campaigning abuses such as corruption occurs outside the polling stations and there are also abuses in terms of media coverage," said Syed Ibrahim.
However, the watchdog chief, stated that the body will appeal the EC decision.
Reports not submitted
"Mafrel is already in the process of contacting the EC and we hope to meet them to appeal against their decision as soon as possible," said Syed Ibrahim.
Syed Ibrahim conceded that Mafrel's reports for the past nine by-elections had not been submitted to the commission.
Explaining the delay, he said: "Unlike a general election where we can be more selective on where to focus, we had the same team covering new by-elections even before the previous reports were completed.
"We want to ensure that the reports are up to proper standards and will hand all reports over to the EC before the coming Hulu Selangor by-election," he assured.
When asked if the EC's move was politically-motivated, Syed Ibrahim said that was difficult to determine but said it would be disappointing if it were true.
"If their decision was made because political pressure was exerted onto them, then it is very unfortunate because the EC should be independent," he said.
With about 90 expected volunteers, Mafrel will begin ground observation for the Hulu-Selangor by-election on nomination day on April 17, maintaining a presence until polling day on April 25.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mafrel refutes 'opposition mouthpiece' jibe
Nigel Aw
Apr 6, 10
NGO Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) has refuted Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Noh Omar claims that the body is an opposition mouthpiece.
Yesterday, Noh, who is Selangor Umno deputy chief and Hulu Selangor by-election director, had accused Mafrel of bias following an article published in Sinar Harian where the election watchdog said that Barisan National violated election rules.
'Mafrel's statement shows it is no longer independent [...] it is becoming a mouthpiece for the opposition,' Noh had said.
Contacted today, Mafrel president Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh (left) said that the statement was directed at BN because a reporter had specifically asked for his (Syed Ibrahim's) comments on Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's visit to Hulu Selangor four days ago.
"A reporter had asked me to comment on the deputy prime minister's promise of four new schools during his visit to Hulu Selangor," said Syed Ibrahim.
The watchdog chief said that while the distribution of welfare w
as understandable as it was part of the duties of elected representatives, insinuating who voters should vote for before the official campaigning period was wrong.
"Our observation was based on the statements made to the media by individuals from both sides. While both sides have been handing out welfare, BN has made insinuations that the people should vote for it," he added.
'Undilah Barisan Nasional'?
During his visit to Hulu Selangor last week when he announced four new schools for the district, Muhyiddin (left, below) was quoted as saying that voters should mark the Hulu Selangor by-election date in their diary and next to it jot down 'undilah Barisan Nasional' (vote Barisan Nasional).
Syed Ibrahim said he remained confident of Mafrel's credibility despite Noh's call for the Election Comission (EC) to review the Mafrel's position as an independent elections watchdog.
"What we do is not subject to the EC. It is just that the EC recognises our observers work in the field. But we hope that the cooperation with the EC will continue," he said.
He also refuted claims that Mafrel had not submitted any reports to EC on their various observations.
"We have shared our last general elections report with the EC and we have made a commitment to submit reports this month for all the by-elections held in the past year," he explained.
With Hulu Selangor by-election looming on April 25, the constituency has been promised new schools by the federal government and a RM2 million allocation to develop its drainage system.
The ruling Pakatan Rakyat state government, meanwhile, has handed out land titles to 108 families and cash to senior citizens under a welfare scheme.
Nigel Aw
Apr 6, 10
NGO Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) has refuted Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Noh Omar claims that the body is an opposition mouthpiece.

'Mafrel's statement shows it is no longer independent [...] it is becoming a mouthpiece for the opposition,' Noh had said.
Contacted today, Mafrel president Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh (left) said that the statement was directed at BN because a reporter had specifically asked for his (Syed Ibrahim's) comments on Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's visit to Hulu Selangor four days ago.
"A reporter had asked me to comment on the deputy prime minister's promise of four new schools during his visit to Hulu Selangor," said Syed Ibrahim.
The watchdog chief said that while the distribution of welfare w

"Our observation was based on the statements made to the media by individuals from both sides. While both sides have been handing out welfare, BN has made insinuations that the people should vote for it," he added.
'Undilah Barisan Nasional'?
During his visit to Hulu Selangor last week when he announced four new schools for the district, Muhyiddin (left, below) was quoted as saying that voters should mark the Hulu Selangor by-election date in their diary and next to it jot down 'undilah Barisan Nasional' (vote Barisan Nasional).

"What we do is not subject to the EC. It is just that the EC recognises our observers work in the field. But we hope that the cooperation with the EC will continue," he said.
He also refuted claims that Mafrel had not submitted any reports to EC on their various observations.
"We have shared our last general elections report with the EC and we have made a commitment to submit reports this month for all the by-elections held in the past year," he explained.
With Hulu Selangor by-election looming on April 25, the constituency has been promised new schools by the federal government and a RM2 million allocation to develop its drainage system.
The ruling Pakatan Rakyat state government, meanwhile, has handed out land titles to 108 families and cash to senior citizens under a welfare scheme.
Mafrel nafi ia alat pembangkang
Nigel Aw
Apr 6, 10
Badan pemantau pilihan raya, Malaysian for Free and Fair Election (Mafrel) menafikan dakwaan timbalan pengerusi Umno Selangor, Datuk Noh Omar yang melabelkan NGO itu sebagai alat pembangkang kerana didakwa tidak bersikap bebas dalam menyatakan pandangannya.
Ia berikutan laporan dalam Sinar Harian di mana Mafrel mendakwa Barisan Nasional melanggar undang-undang pilihan raya.
Presiden Mafrel, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh berkata ulasannya merujuk kepada BN kerana
seorang wartawan secara khusus menyoalnya berhubung lawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, empat hari lalu.
"Seorang wartawan meminta saya mengulas kenyataan timbalan perdana menteri yang menjanjikan empat sekolah baru ketika melawat Hulu Selangor,” katanya.
Menurut Syed Ibrahim pengedaran kebajikan yang dijanjikan itu mungkin dapat diterima sebagai sebahagian daripada tugas wakil rakyat tetapi mengkiaskan siapa yang patut diundi sebelum tempoh berkempen adalah salah.
“Pemerhatian kami adalah berdasarkan kenyataan yang dibuat kepada media oleh kedua-dua pihak. Meskipun kedua-dua pihak ada menawarkan bantuan kebajikan, namun BN membuat kiasan yang rakyat seharusnya mengundi mereka,” katanya.
Muhyiddin pada 2 April lalu mengumumkan bahawa Hulu Selangor akan mendapat empat sekolah baru, dan projek pembinaan banjir bernilai RM2 juta ringgit.
Belaiu juga dilaporkan berkata kementerian pendidikan sedang mengenalpasti tapak sesuai untuk membina sebuah sekolah aliran Cina.
Sehari kemudian, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak pula mengumumkan projek perumahan baru untuk warga Felda di Gugusan Sungai Dusun.
Projek bernilai RM32 juta ringgit ini membabitkan 2,50 unit, setiap satunya bernilai antara RM42,000 dan RM75,000 ringgit.
Nigel Aw
Apr 6, 10
Badan pemantau pilihan raya, Malaysian for Free and Fair Election (Mafrel) menafikan dakwaan timbalan pengerusi Umno Selangor, Datuk Noh Omar yang melabelkan NGO itu sebagai alat pembangkang kerana didakwa tidak bersikap bebas dalam menyatakan pandangannya.
Ia berikutan laporan dalam Sinar Harian di mana Mafrel mendakwa Barisan Nasional melanggar undang-undang pilihan raya.
Presiden Mafrel, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh berkata ulasannya merujuk kepada BN kerana

"Seorang wartawan meminta saya mengulas kenyataan timbalan perdana menteri yang menjanjikan empat sekolah baru ketika melawat Hulu Selangor,” katanya.
Menurut Syed Ibrahim pengedaran kebajikan yang dijanjikan itu mungkin dapat diterima sebagai sebahagian daripada tugas wakil rakyat tetapi mengkiaskan siapa yang patut diundi sebelum tempoh berkempen adalah salah.
“Pemerhatian kami adalah berdasarkan kenyataan yang dibuat kepada media oleh kedua-dua pihak. Meskipun kedua-dua pihak ada menawarkan bantuan kebajikan, namun BN membuat kiasan yang rakyat seharusnya mengundi mereka,” katanya.

Belaiu juga dilaporkan berkata kementerian pendidikan sedang mengenalpasti tapak sesuai untuk membina sebuah sekolah aliran Cina.
Sehari kemudian, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak pula mengumumkan projek perumahan baru untuk warga Felda di Gugusan Sungai Dusun.
Projek bernilai RM32 juta ringgit ini membabitkan 2,50 unit, setiap satunya bernilai antara RM42,000 dan RM75,000 ringgit.
State gov't now operates from Hulu Selangor
S Pathmawathy
Apr 6, 10
The rural district of Hulu Selangor has temporarily replaced Shah Alam as the capital of the state, as government affairs are being coordinated and organised from there.
Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim (left) has relocated to the District Office of Hulu Selangor in Kuala Kubu Bharu (KKB) yesterday, and the state executive councillors have been traveling daily for meetings.
It is also confirmed that the state's weekly executive council meeting, which is held on Wednesdays in Shah Alam, will be held in Kuala Kubu Bharu tomorrow onwards.
A source from the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council said that Khalid, who is leading Pakatan's election team, plans to stay put until April 17, the day of the nomination.
Executive councillors Dr Xavier Jeyakumar and Elizabeth Wong were among those who have been recently spotted at the district office, a member of the staff told Malaysiakini today.
The Hulu Selangor Parliamentary seat was declared vacant after its PKR representative 71-year-old Zainal Abidin Ahmad, succumbed to brain cancer last month.
Polling day has been slotted for April 25 with eight days of campaigning.
Intense electioneering
However, political rivals Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat have already begun intense electioneering despite warnings from authorities against campaigning before nominations.
BN deputy chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin said that the ruling coalition will name their candidate on April 15.
Meanwhile, Pakatan which is apparently having a hard time to pick from a dozen of names, will be making the announcement on April 13.
Malaysiakini understands that several state government officials have been going around the constituency and directly approaching voters to understand their needs.
"Since the Menteri Besar is in charge of land matters, and there are a lot land related problems in that area, he decided to stay on. This is just for practicality," said the source, from Khalid's office.
The source had also rubbished claims that state's resources are being utilised for the campaign.
"Khalid has done the same in Kuala Selangor last month and previously in Sepang, where the menteri besar had stayed two days. This has nothing to do with the by-election but it's just a routine exercise," said the source.
However, once nominations are filed, Pakatan and Khalid, who leads the state election machinery, is expected to go all out in the race for votes.
Cover up
BN's Batang Kali state assembly representative Mohd Isa Abu Kasim, however, said that the state was just covering up the fact that they were actually campaigning.
"They are not suppose to use the state apparatus in elections but they are located right at the district office," said Mohd Isa.
He added that was not proper as the district officer is normally appointed as the returning officer for the election.
"How does this look like, the Pakatan MB sharing an office with the district officer? " he said.
Apr 6, 10
The rural district of Hulu Selangor has temporarily replaced Shah Alam as the capital of the state, as government affairs are being coordinated and organised from there.
Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim (left) has relocated to the District Office of Hulu Selangor in Kuala Kubu Bharu (KKB) yesterday, and the state executive councillors have been traveling daily for meetings.
It is also confirmed that the state's weekly executive council meeting, which is held on Wednesdays in Shah Alam, will be held in Kuala Kubu Bharu tomorrow onwards.
A source from the Hulu Selangor Municipal Council said that Khalid, who is leading Pakatan's election team, plans to stay put until April 17, the day of the nomination.
Executive councillors Dr Xavier Jeyakumar and Elizabeth Wong were among those who have been recently spotted at the district office, a member of the staff told Malaysiakini today.
The Hulu Selangor Parliamentary seat was declared vacant after its PKR representative 71-year-old Zainal Abidin Ahmad, succumbed to brain cancer last month.
Polling day has been slotted for April 25 with eight days of campaigning.
Intense electioneering
However, political rivals Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat have already begun intense electioneering despite warnings from authorities against campaigning before nominations.
BN deputy chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin said that the ruling coalition will name their candidate on April 15.
Meanwhile, Pakatan which is apparently having a hard time to pick from a dozen of names, will be making the announcement on April 13.
Malaysiakini understands that several state government officials have been going around the constituency and directly approaching voters to understand their needs.
"Since the Menteri Besar is in charge of land matters, and there are a lot land related problems in that area, he decided to stay on. This is just for practicality," said the source, from Khalid's office.
The source had also rubbished claims that state's resources are being utilised for the campaign.
"Khalid has done the same in Kuala Selangor last month and previously in Sepang, where the menteri besar had stayed two days. This has nothing to do with the by-election but it's just a routine exercise," said the source.
However, once nominations are filed, Pakatan and Khalid, who leads the state election machinery, is expected to go all out in the race for votes.
Cover up
BN's Batang Kali state assembly representative Mohd Isa Abu Kasim, however, said that the state was just covering up the fact that they were actually campaigning.
"They are not suppose to use the state apparatus in elections but they are located right at the district office," said Mohd Isa.
He added that was not proper as the district officer is normally appointed as the returning officer for the election.
"How does this look like, the Pakatan MB sharing an office with the district officer? " he said.
S'gor BN rallies the troops ahead of by-election
The movement to wrest back Selangor is already in first gear with today's launch of the state BN convention in Shah Alam.
State deputy BN chief Noh Omar fired one salvo after another against the ruling Pakatan Rakyat government, sparing no details at the several scandals and controversies that have rocked Pakatan.
From the Elizabeth Wong sex scandal to Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim's statements on doing away with the New Economic Policy, Noh had the 1,500 participants riled up in an anti-Pakatan onslaught.
But the real crux of the function is to also shore up support for the upcoming Hulu Selangor by-election which will be a real test for BN amidst rumours of infighting among the component parties over who should contest the parliamentary seat.
Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is also state BN chief, is expected to deliver a speech themed 'BN can change: Love Selangor, Trust BN' later this afternoon at the conference, held at the Shah Alam Convention Centre.
Also present at the function were MCA vice-president Donald Lim, and PPP president M Kayveas.
State deputy BN chief Noh Omar fired one salvo after another against the ruling Pakatan Rakyat government, sparing no details at the several scandals and controversies that have rocked Pakatan.
From the Elizabeth Wong sex scandal to Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim's statements on doing away with the New Economic Policy, Noh had the 1,500 participants riled up in an anti-Pakatan onslaught.
But the real crux of the function is to also shore up support for the upcoming Hulu Selangor by-election which will be a real test for BN amidst rumours of infighting among the component parties over who should contest the parliamentary seat.
Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is also state BN chief, is expected to deliver a speech themed 'BN can change: Love Selangor, Trust BN' later this afternoon at the conference, held at the Shah Alam Convention Centre.
Also present at the function were MCA vice-president Donald Lim, and PPP president M Kayveas.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Kenapa salahkan Mafrel?
Kenapa salahkan Mafrel?
Nazri Abdullah
KUALA LUMPUR, 6 April: Badan Pemantau Pilihan Raya (Mafrel) mempertikaikan pihak tertentu yang menyalahkannya ekoran membidas tindakan Kerajaan Pusat meluluskan pelbagai projek perumahan dan sekolah kepada penduduk Hulu Selangor.
Pengerusinya, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh (gambar) menjelaskan Mafrel tidak berpihak kepada sesiapa dan respons yang diberikan itu berdasarkan laporan media.
"Saya respons itu kepada laporan media, kalau ada media melaporkan berkenaan, apa dilakukan Menteri Besar Selangor dan juga direkodkan kenyataan berkempen, saya akan buat teguran sama. Kita tidak berpihak kepada mana-mana,” jelasnya kepada Harakahdaily sebentar tadi.
Menurutnya, semasa pilihan raya kecil Dun Pengkalan Pasir di Pasir Mas pada 2005 lalu, pihaknya pernah menegur Kerajaan PAS Kelantan.
"Masa pilihan raya kecil Pengkalan Pasir, Mafrel juga pernah tegur Kerajaan Kelantan.
"Adakah kerana saya tidak menegur Menteri Besar Selangor (Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim), maka itu salah bagi saya, sepatutnya proses undang-undang yang perlu dipatuhi,” katanya.
Justeru, beliau mempersoalkan mengapa kesalahan itu dialihkan kepada Mafrel.
Semalam, Timbalan Pengerusi Umno Selangor, Datuk Noh Omar mendakwa Mafrel sebagai alat pembangkang kerana tidak bersikap bebas dalam menyatakan pandangan.
Noh menyatakan demikian dengan merujuk satu kenyataan Syed Ibrahim yang mempersoalkan tindakan kerajaan pusat meluluskan projek perumahan dan sekolah kepada penduduk di Hulu Selangor menjelang pilihan raya kecil parlimen kawasan itu pada 25 April ini.
Bagi Syed Ibrahim, tindakan tersebut menyalahi peraturan pilihan raya.
Ekoran itu, Noh meminta SPR mengkaji semula kedudukan Mafrel sebagai pemantau pilihan raya.
"Mafrel bekerja atas dasar perinsip, kalau nak cadang SPR tarik balik pengiktirafan, buktikan dengan rekod gerak kerja kami, tak perlu bidasan politik semata-mata,” jelas Syed Ibrahim.
Mafrel ditubuhkan pada 2001 sebagai badan bebas dan diiktiraf oleh SPR sebagai badan pemantau pilihan raya.
Nazri Abdullah
KUALA LUMPUR, 6 April: Badan Pemantau Pilihan Raya (Mafrel) mempertikaikan pihak tertentu yang menyalahkannya ekoran membidas tindakan Kerajaan Pusat meluluskan pelbagai projek perumahan dan sekolah kepada penduduk Hulu Selangor.

"Saya respons itu kepada laporan media, kalau ada media melaporkan berkenaan, apa dilakukan Menteri Besar Selangor dan juga direkodkan kenyataan berkempen, saya akan buat teguran sama. Kita tidak berpihak kepada mana-mana,” jelasnya kepada Harakahdaily sebentar tadi.
Menurutnya, semasa pilihan raya kecil Dun Pengkalan Pasir di Pasir Mas pada 2005 lalu, pihaknya pernah menegur Kerajaan PAS Kelantan.
"Masa pilihan raya kecil Pengkalan Pasir, Mafrel juga pernah tegur Kerajaan Kelantan.
"Adakah kerana saya tidak menegur Menteri Besar Selangor (Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim), maka itu salah bagi saya, sepatutnya proses undang-undang yang perlu dipatuhi,” katanya.
Justeru, beliau mempersoalkan mengapa kesalahan itu dialihkan kepada Mafrel.
Semalam, Timbalan Pengerusi Umno Selangor, Datuk Noh Omar mendakwa Mafrel sebagai alat pembangkang kerana tidak bersikap bebas dalam menyatakan pandangan.
Noh menyatakan demikian dengan merujuk satu kenyataan Syed Ibrahim yang mempersoalkan tindakan kerajaan pusat meluluskan projek perumahan dan sekolah kepada penduduk di Hulu Selangor menjelang pilihan raya kecil parlimen kawasan itu pada 25 April ini.
Bagi Syed Ibrahim, tindakan tersebut menyalahi peraturan pilihan raya.
Ekoran itu, Noh meminta SPR mengkaji semula kedudukan Mafrel sebagai pemantau pilihan raya.
"Mafrel bekerja atas dasar perinsip, kalau nak cadang SPR tarik balik pengiktirafan, buktikan dengan rekod gerak kerja kami, tak perlu bidasan politik semata-mata,” jelas Syed Ibrahim.
Mafrel ditubuhkan pada 2001 sebagai badan bebas dan diiktiraf oleh SPR sebagai badan pemantau pilihan raya.
Subject: Hulu Selangor PRK MAFREL OBSERVERS
To all Mafrel volunteers and would be volunteers,
Please register yourselves to be MAFREL Observers for this Hulu Selangor byelection.
You can do so by indication your interest and sending emails to Mr Arphan our Hon Secretary.
Those who have never been MAFREL observers may also register to be observers.
Once selected a special Observers Training Course shall be conducted for them.
MAFREL Webmaster:
Contact persons:
Deputy Chairman : Colonel (R) Shaharudin Othman
– 019 2344 366
Honorary Secretary : Arphan Ahmad
– 012 273 1016
To all Mafrel volunteers and would be volunteers,
Please register yourselves to be MAFREL Observers for this Hulu Selangor byelection.
You can do so by indication your interest and sending emails to Mr Arphan our Hon Secretary.
Those who have never been MAFREL observers may also register to be observers.
Once selected a special Observers Training Course shall be conducted for them.
MAFREL Webmaster:
Contact persons:
Deputy Chairman : Colonel (R) Shaharudin Othman
– 019 2344 366
Honorary Secretary : Arphan Ahmad
– 012 273 1016
Ilusi Janji Manis BN Di Hulu Selangor
Ilusi Janji Manis BN Di Hulu Selangor
Janji ilusi Najib mahu menyedarkan semua pengundi Hulu Selangor daripada tidur lena. Hari ini Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Razak buat seribu janji cepumas kepada semua pengundi Hulu Selangor supaya percaya pengumuman dari Lampu Aladdin BN bahawa projek beratus juta akan diberikan kepada rakyat Hulu Selangor. Mahu masjid ada. Mahu sekolah ada. Bantuan orang Asli ada.
TV3 kumpulkan "3bangsa dalam 1BN". Melayu, Cina dan India. Bercakap serentak "Ohhhh bagus punya Umno, boleh bikin 3bangsa dalam 1BN. Semua projek PRU-13 baru boleh bikin".
Terlalu mendambakan 1Malaysia sehingga iklan-iklan komersial juga di mestikan mengikut piawaian 1Malaysia, mesti ada Cina, Melayu dan India. Hebat penangan slogan Najib 1Malaysia.
Pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh? Penanti? Berjuta projek Najib sudah berjanji, hingga sekarang belum buat lagi. Di pilihan raya kecil Bagan Pinang, Negeri Sembilan BN menang, mana janjimu? Tunggu dulu kerana ekonomi kerajaan BN merundum.
Shafie Apdal tabur janji, umumkan projek berpuluh juta ringgit di Hulu Selangor. Boleh percayakah Kerajaan BN ada duit? Selesai PRK semua projek akan ditunda sekali lagi, kira-kira dekat PRU-13 nanti buat janji lagi. Tipah tertipu lagi. 53 tahun sudah kita pelajari taktik Umno-Perikatan-BN buat janji sebagai pemanis mulut, seperti yang diajar dalam kursus untuk Putera Puteri Umno.
Umno memang cukup sinonim dengan episod ‘janji manismu’. Atau mungkin juga janji-janji tidak dapat dikotakan kerana pengundi tetap menghadiahkan undi keramat mereka kepada calon Pakatan Rakyat. Itu pasal Umno pura-pura lupa dengan apa yang mereka telah janjikan kepada setiap pengundi-pengundi sebelum itu.
Tidakkah Umno tidak sedar lagi bahawa rakyat sudah lama tersedar dari lena yang panjang. Rakyat sudah tidak makan lagi pujuk rayu dari pihak Umno. Lihat sahaja pada pilihan raya kecil sebelum ini, cuma dua kerusi sahaja yang mampu Umno-BN pertahankan, yang lain apa cerita? Sehinggakan, kerusi Umno di Kuala Terengganu sekali pun telah rakyat Kuala Terengganu serahkan kepada Pakatan Rakyat. Masih belum sedarkah lagi warga Umno ini?
Kini, epilog taburan janji dan pelukan mesra serta tegur sapa pemimpin Umno dilihat berlumba-lumba mewarnai pengundi-pengundi di Hulu Selangor. Pelbagai janji-janji muluk dan indah di dambakan kepada rakyat Hulu Selangor.
Kita mahu lihat, apakah janji-janji ini hanya sekadar tinggal janji selepas PRK di Hulu Selangor nanti? Atau mungkinkah drama-drama bersiri Umno ini akan berakhir seperti sejarah terdahulu? Wallahu’alam bisawab, hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang maha mengetahui.
Para pemimpin Umno lebih angkuh lagi kalau menang dalam PRK Hulu Selangor. Seperti angkuhnya mereka dalam tahun 2004 mereka hampir saou habis kerusi Dewan Rakyat. Ketika itu majoriti orang muda yang baru berusia 18 tahun, kini sudah 20an mereka tukar kerajaan neheri Selangor kepada Pakatan Rakyat pada 2008. Kerana halatuju Pakatan Rakyat sejajar dengan aspirasi angkatan muda pada masa kini.
Hari ini Umno masih meneruskan monolog mereka demi suatu kenyataan yang amat perit untuk mereka terima. Maka kerana itulah mereka mengutilisasikan kuasa ditangan mereka untuk menggunakan segala kesempatan dan ruang yang ada untuk memperdayakan rakyat Malaysia. Selamat mencuba dan terus mencuba, cakap berdegar-degar pun tiada manfaatnya, kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja PRK Hulu Selangor nanti atau cabaran yang lebih mencabar lagi ialah pada PRU-13 kelak.
'We’ll see how it goes'.
Kalau Najib benar-benar nak tolong rakyat kenapa tidak tawarkan sahaja setiap rakyat Hulu Selangor saham percuma Petronas secara tunai bukan selepas PRK Hulu Selangor ia akan "dipertimbangkan". Kalau kerajaan BN benar-benar serius, kenapa tidak bagi sekarang sijil saham percuma Petronas kepada setiap pengundi Hulu Selangor?
Kesimpulannya pengundi seperti biasa dijanjikan bintang, bulan, lautan emas dan apa sahaja yang bunyinya muluk- muluk walhasil balik asal lalu jambatan tongkat dibuang, biasanya yang sudah berlalu jadi contoh, para pemimpin Umno-BN tidak komited dengan janjinya kepada rakyat di pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh, Kuala Trengganu, Penanti, Bagan Pinang dan Batang Ai, Sarawak. Selesai bicara PRK perkara projek pembangunan belang kira. -Datuk Halik Zaman (SK)
Ilusi Janji Manis BN Di Hulu Selangor
Janji ilusi Najib mahu menyedarkan semua pengundi Hulu Selangor daripada tidur lena. Hari ini Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Razak buat seribu janji cepumas kepada semua pengundi Hulu Selangor supaya percaya pengumuman dari Lampu Aladdin BN bahawa projek beratus juta akan diberikan kepada rakyat Hulu Selangor. Mahu masjid ada. Mahu sekolah ada. Bantuan orang Asli ada.
TV3 kumpulkan "3bangsa dalam 1BN". Melayu, Cina dan India. Bercakap serentak "Ohhhh bagus punya Umno, boleh bikin 3bangsa dalam 1BN. Semua projek PRU-13 baru boleh bikin".
Terlalu mendambakan 1Malaysia sehingga iklan-iklan komersial juga di mestikan mengikut piawaian 1Malaysia, mesti ada Cina, Melayu dan India. Hebat penangan slogan Najib 1Malaysia.
Pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh? Penanti? Berjuta projek Najib sudah berjanji, hingga sekarang belum buat lagi. Di pilihan raya kecil Bagan Pinang, Negeri Sembilan BN menang, mana janjimu? Tunggu dulu kerana ekonomi kerajaan BN merundum.
Shafie Apdal tabur janji, umumkan projek berpuluh juta ringgit di Hulu Selangor. Boleh percayakah Kerajaan BN ada duit? Selesai PRK semua projek akan ditunda sekali lagi, kira-kira dekat PRU-13 nanti buat janji lagi. Tipah tertipu lagi. 53 tahun sudah kita pelajari taktik Umno-Perikatan-BN buat janji sebagai pemanis mulut, seperti yang diajar dalam kursus untuk Putera Puteri Umno.
Umno memang cukup sinonim dengan episod ‘janji manismu’. Atau mungkin juga janji-janji tidak dapat dikotakan kerana pengundi tetap menghadiahkan undi keramat mereka kepada calon Pakatan Rakyat. Itu pasal Umno pura-pura lupa dengan apa yang mereka telah janjikan kepada setiap pengundi-pengundi sebelum itu.
Tidakkah Umno tidak sedar lagi bahawa rakyat sudah lama tersedar dari lena yang panjang. Rakyat sudah tidak makan lagi pujuk rayu dari pihak Umno. Lihat sahaja pada pilihan raya kecil sebelum ini, cuma dua kerusi sahaja yang mampu Umno-BN pertahankan, yang lain apa cerita? Sehinggakan, kerusi Umno di Kuala Terengganu sekali pun telah rakyat Kuala Terengganu serahkan kepada Pakatan Rakyat. Masih belum sedarkah lagi warga Umno ini?
Kini, epilog taburan janji dan pelukan mesra serta tegur sapa pemimpin Umno dilihat berlumba-lumba mewarnai pengundi-pengundi di Hulu Selangor. Pelbagai janji-janji muluk dan indah di dambakan kepada rakyat Hulu Selangor.
Kita mahu lihat, apakah janji-janji ini hanya sekadar tinggal janji selepas PRK di Hulu Selangor nanti? Atau mungkinkah drama-drama bersiri Umno ini akan berakhir seperti sejarah terdahulu? Wallahu’alam bisawab, hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang maha mengetahui.
Para pemimpin Umno lebih angkuh lagi kalau menang dalam PRK Hulu Selangor. Seperti angkuhnya mereka dalam tahun 2004 mereka hampir saou habis kerusi Dewan Rakyat. Ketika itu majoriti orang muda yang baru berusia 18 tahun, kini sudah 20an mereka tukar kerajaan neheri Selangor kepada Pakatan Rakyat pada 2008. Kerana halatuju Pakatan Rakyat sejajar dengan aspirasi angkatan muda pada masa kini.
Hari ini Umno masih meneruskan monolog mereka demi suatu kenyataan yang amat perit untuk mereka terima. Maka kerana itulah mereka mengutilisasikan kuasa ditangan mereka untuk menggunakan segala kesempatan dan ruang yang ada untuk memperdayakan rakyat Malaysia. Selamat mencuba dan terus mencuba, cakap berdegar-degar pun tiada manfaatnya, kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja PRK Hulu Selangor nanti atau cabaran yang lebih mencabar lagi ialah pada PRU-13 kelak.
'We’ll see how it goes'.
Kalau Najib benar-benar nak tolong rakyat kenapa tidak tawarkan sahaja setiap rakyat Hulu Selangor saham percuma Petronas secara tunai bukan selepas PRK Hulu Selangor ia akan "dipertimbangkan". Kalau kerajaan BN benar-benar serius, kenapa tidak bagi sekarang sijil saham percuma Petronas kepada setiap pengundi Hulu Selangor?
Kesimpulannya pengundi seperti biasa dijanjikan bintang, bulan, lautan emas dan apa sahaja yang bunyinya muluk- muluk walhasil balik asal lalu jambatan tongkat dibuang, biasanya yang sudah berlalu jadi contoh, para pemimpin Umno-BN tidak komited dengan janjinya kepada rakyat di pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh, Kuala Trengganu, Penanti, Bagan Pinang dan Batang Ai, Sarawak. Selesai bicara PRK perkara projek pembangunan belang kira. -Datuk Halik Zaman (SK)
Federal government gets a lashing for 'campaign'
Federal government gets a lashing for 'campaign' .
Mon, 05 Apr 2010 13:39 .SHAH ALAM: Malaysians For Free Elections (Mafrel) has slammed the Barisan Nasional federal government for timing the launch of several housing and schools projects to coincide with the Hulu Selangor by-elections.
Mafrel chairman Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh said it was as if the BN government did not respect the democratic election process.
He also urged the Election Commission to act against the BN.
“This is a form of campaigning and if you refer to the election regulations the action is wrong according to polls rules.
“As such the EC must warn BN and issue a directive disallowing any form of campaigns until nomination day,” he said in a statement.
Since last week, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin have taken turns to launch projects in the Hulu Selangor constituency.
Using the project launches as a platform, they have touted BN’s plusses, urging the constituency to vote for BN, while hitting out at the opposition.
“The Hulu Selangor by-election campaign is not scheduled until nomination day on April 17 and any form of campaigning until then is not allowed.
“Article 10 of the Election Act 1954 (Amended in 2006) states that a person is found guilty if campaigning is done before, during or after an election, directly or indirectly,” he said.
The Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat fell vacant following the death of PKR MP Zainal Abidin Ahmad on March 25. Zainal beat BN’s G Palanivel, who is also MIC deputy president, with a 198-vote majority in the March 2008 general election.
MIC has already proposed Palanivel’s name to the BN council as a candidate, although local Umno leaders have asked for the seat to be allocated for their candidate.
Meanwhile the EC has issued a warning to all groups to stop campaigning.
Deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan OMar said the official campaign period will only begin on April 17 after nomination for candidates.
“EC can act against any party or individuals who put up banners and buntings, or groups parading for the purpose of campaigning. I request the local councils and the police to monitoring such activities. All contesting parties must abide by the rules,” he said.
The by-election is on April 25.
Federal government gets a lashing for 'campaign' .
Mon, 05 Apr 2010 13:39 .SHAH ALAM: Malaysians For Free Elections (Mafrel) has slammed the Barisan Nasional federal government for timing the launch of several housing and schools projects to coincide with the Hulu Selangor by-elections.
Mafrel chairman Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh said it was as if the BN government did not respect the democratic election process.
He also urged the Election Commission to act against the BN.
“This is a form of campaigning and if you refer to the election regulations the action is wrong according to polls rules.
“As such the EC must warn BN and issue a directive disallowing any form of campaigns until nomination day,” he said in a statement.
Since last week, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin have taken turns to launch projects in the Hulu Selangor constituency.
Using the project launches as a platform, they have touted BN’s plusses, urging the constituency to vote for BN, while hitting out at the opposition.
“The Hulu Selangor by-election campaign is not scheduled until nomination day on April 17 and any form of campaigning until then is not allowed.
“Article 10 of the Election Act 1954 (Amended in 2006) states that a person is found guilty if campaigning is done before, during or after an election, directly or indirectly,” he said.
The Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat fell vacant following the death of PKR MP Zainal Abidin Ahmad on March 25. Zainal beat BN’s G Palanivel, who is also MIC deputy president, with a 198-vote majority in the March 2008 general election.
MIC has already proposed Palanivel’s name to the BN council as a candidate, although local Umno leaders have asked for the seat to be allocated for their candidate.
Meanwhile the EC has issued a warning to all groups to stop campaigning.
Deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan OMar said the official campaign period will only begin on April 17 after nomination for candidates.
“EC can act against any party or individuals who put up banners and buntings, or groups parading for the purpose of campaigning. I request the local councils and the police to monitoring such activities. All contesting parties must abide by the rules,” he said.
The by-election is on April 25.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Kempen Barisan langgar peraturan
Kempen Barisan langgar peraturan
SHAH ALAM - Badan Pemantau Pilihan Raya (Mafrel) membidas tindakan Kerajaan Pusat meluluskan pelbagai projek perumahan dan sekolah kepada penduduk Hulu Selangor.
Pengerusi Mafrel, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh berkata, Barisan Nasional (BN) seolah-olah tidak menghormati proses pilihan raya demokratik dan menggesa Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bertindak tegas terhadap BN.
”Ini satu jenis kempen dan kalau berbalik kepada peraturan pilihan raya, tindakan itu adalah kesalahan mengikut peraturan pilihan raya.
“Jadi, seharusnya SPR memberikan amaran dan mengeluarkan arahan supaya tidak ada apa-apa kempen sehingga hari penamaan calon,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan media, di sini, semalam.
Mafrel berkata, Kerajaan Pusat mungkin mendakwa apa yang dilakukan itu terkandung dalam rangka menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai penjawat jawatan kerajaan tetapi hakikatnya ia jelas berunsur kempen.
"Kempen pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor sepatutnya belum boleh dimulakan selagi proses penamaan calon pada 17 April belum berlangsung.
"Tindakan BN jelas bercanggah Perkara 10 Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 (Pindaan 2006) yang menyebut seseorang didapati bersalah jika melakukan sogokan sebelum, semasa atau selepas sesuatu pilihan raya, secara langsung atau tidak langsung," katanya.
Sementara itu, Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) memberi amaran kepada semua pihak supaya berhenti berkempen kerana pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor masih belum bermula lagi.
Timbalan Pengerusi SPR, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata, ini kerana tempoh rasmi berkempen hanya bermula selepas selesai tempoh penamaan calon iaitu pada 17 April.
“Sebelum hari penamaan calon, SPR boleh mengambil tindakan terhadap mana-mana parti yang memasang bendera dan sepanduk, berkumpul dan berarak untuk tujuan berkempen.
“Saya meminta pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) dan polis meningkatkan pemantauan aktiviti kempen pihak terbabit sekarang.
"Mana-mana parti yang bertanding perlu mematuhi undang-undang iaitu hanya dibenarkan berkempen selepas hari penamaan,” katanya.
SHAH ALAM - Badan Pemantau Pilihan Raya (Mafrel) membidas tindakan Kerajaan Pusat meluluskan pelbagai projek perumahan dan sekolah kepada penduduk Hulu Selangor.
Pengerusi Mafrel, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh berkata, Barisan Nasional (BN) seolah-olah tidak menghormati proses pilihan raya demokratik dan menggesa Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bertindak tegas terhadap BN.
”Ini satu jenis kempen dan kalau berbalik kepada peraturan pilihan raya, tindakan itu adalah kesalahan mengikut peraturan pilihan raya.
“Jadi, seharusnya SPR memberikan amaran dan mengeluarkan arahan supaya tidak ada apa-apa kempen sehingga hari penamaan calon,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan media, di sini, semalam.
Mafrel berkata, Kerajaan Pusat mungkin mendakwa apa yang dilakukan itu terkandung dalam rangka menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai penjawat jawatan kerajaan tetapi hakikatnya ia jelas berunsur kempen.
"Kempen pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor sepatutnya belum boleh dimulakan selagi proses penamaan calon pada 17 April belum berlangsung.
"Tindakan BN jelas bercanggah Perkara 10 Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 (Pindaan 2006) yang menyebut seseorang didapati bersalah jika melakukan sogokan sebelum, semasa atau selepas sesuatu pilihan raya, secara langsung atau tidak langsung," katanya.
Sementara itu, Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) memberi amaran kepada semua pihak supaya berhenti berkempen kerana pilihan raya kecil Hulu Selangor masih belum bermula lagi.
Timbalan Pengerusi SPR, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata, ini kerana tempoh rasmi berkempen hanya bermula selepas selesai tempoh penamaan calon iaitu pada 17 April.
“Sebelum hari penamaan calon, SPR boleh mengambil tindakan terhadap mana-mana parti yang memasang bendera dan sepanduk, berkumpul dan berarak untuk tujuan berkempen.
“Saya meminta pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) dan polis meningkatkan pemantauan aktiviti kempen pihak terbabit sekarang.
"Mana-mana parti yang bertanding perlu mematuhi undang-undang iaitu hanya dibenarkan berkempen selepas hari penamaan,” katanya.
Mafrel bidas 'sogokan' pilihan raya
Mafrel bidas 'sogokan' pilihan raya
Apr 3, 10 9:59pm
Badan pemantau pilihan raya, Malaysian for Free and Fair Election (Mafrel) membidas tindakan kerajaan menyogok pengundi Hulu Selangor dengan limpahan projek perumahan dan sekolah.
Pengerusi Mafrel, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh berkata Umno-BN sekali lagi menunjukkan ia tidak menghormati proses pilihan raya demokratik, dan menggesa Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya bertindak tegas terhadap parti itu.
"Ini satu jenis kempen dan kalau berbalik kepada peraturan pilihan raya dia merupakan satu kesalahan peraturan pilihanraya.
“Jadi seharusnya pihak SPR memberikan amaran dan kemudian mungkin mengambil tindakan supaya mengeluarkan arahan supaya tidak ada berlaku apa-apa kempen sekarang sehinggalah apabila hari penamaan calon," katanya dalam satu kenyataan media.
Menurut Mafrel, pihak kerajaan mungkin mendakwa apa yang dilakukan mereka itu dalam rangka menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai penjawat jawatan kerajaan tetapi hakikatnya ia jelas berunsurkan kempen.
Kempen pilihanraya kecil Hulu Selangor sepatutnya belum boleh dimulakan selagi proses penamaan calon pada 17 April ini belum berlansung.
Namun, semalam Timbalan Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin mengumumkan bahawa Hulu Selangor akan mendapat empat sekolah baru, dan projek pembinaan banjir bernilai RM2 juta ringgit.
Muhyiddin juga berkata Kementerian Pendidikan sedang mengenalpasti tapak sesuai untuk membina sebuah sekolah aliran Cina.
Hari ini pula Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan projek perumahan baru untuk warga Felda di Gugusan Sungai Dusun.
Projek bernilai RM32 juta ringgit ini membabitkan 2,50 unit, setiap satunya bernilai antara RM42,000 dan RM75,000 ringgit.
Apr 3, 10 9:59pm
Badan pemantau pilihan raya, Malaysian for Free and Fair Election (Mafrel) membidas tindakan kerajaan menyogok pengundi Hulu Selangor dengan limpahan projek perumahan dan sekolah.
Pengerusi Mafrel, Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh berkata Umno-BN sekali lagi menunjukkan ia tidak menghormati proses pilihan raya demokratik, dan menggesa Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya bertindak tegas terhadap parti itu.
"Ini satu jenis kempen dan kalau berbalik kepada peraturan pilihan raya dia merupakan satu kesalahan peraturan pilihanraya.
“Jadi seharusnya pihak SPR memberikan amaran dan kemudian mungkin mengambil tindakan supaya mengeluarkan arahan supaya tidak ada berlaku apa-apa kempen sekarang sehinggalah apabila hari penamaan calon," katanya dalam satu kenyataan media.
Menurut Mafrel, pihak kerajaan mungkin mendakwa apa yang dilakukan mereka itu dalam rangka menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai penjawat jawatan kerajaan tetapi hakikatnya ia jelas berunsurkan kempen.
Kempen pilihanraya kecil Hulu Selangor sepatutnya belum boleh dimulakan selagi proses penamaan calon pada 17 April ini belum berlansung.
Namun, semalam Timbalan Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin mengumumkan bahawa Hulu Selangor akan mendapat empat sekolah baru, dan projek pembinaan banjir bernilai RM2 juta ringgit.
Muhyiddin juga berkata Kementerian Pendidikan sedang mengenalpasti tapak sesuai untuk membina sebuah sekolah aliran Cina.
Hari ini pula Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan projek perumahan baru untuk warga Felda di Gugusan Sungai Dusun.
Projek bernilai RM32 juta ringgit ini membabitkan 2,50 unit, setiap satunya bernilai antara RM42,000 dan RM75,000 ringgit.
Pakatan sangsi kewujudan 2,561 pengundi baru
Pakatan sangsi kewujudan 2,561 pengundi baru
Oleh G. Manimaran dan Adib Zalkapli
SHAH ALAM, 4 April — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) sangsi dengan kehadiran lebih 2,500 pengundi baru yang direkodkan dalam tempoh dua tahun lalu sejak pilihan raya umum Mac 2008 sambil menyifatkannya sebagai sesuatu yang “ajaib dan luar biasa.”
Sehubungan itu, Pengarah Pilihan Raya Selangor Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid berkata pihaknya juga terkejut dengan perkembangan tersebut walaupun tidak menafikan parti-parti politik terlibat dalam kerja-kerja mendaftar pengundi baru.
“Kami pun tidak tahu dari mana datangnya angka ini (lebih 2,500 pengundi baru)... ini sesuatu yang ajaib, luar biasa. Kami akan mendapatkan penjelasan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya berhubung perkara ini,” kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Sambil mengakui pihaknya juga ada mendaftar pengundi-pengundi baru tetapi jumlah tersebut adalah sesuatu yang begitu besar bagi tempoh dua tahun ini, kata Ahli Parlimen Kuala Langat ini.
“Kita (PKR) juga akan membincangkan, membentangkan laporan mengenai ini esok (hari ini),” kata beliau merujuk kepada mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pusat PKR hari ini.
“Kita sangsi, kita tidak tahu dari mana datangnya jumlah ini,” kata beliau.
Berdasarkan daftar induk terkini, kawasan pilihan raya parlimen itu mempunyai 64,500 pemilih berdaftar yang terdiri daripada 63,701 pengundi biasa dan 799 pengundi pos.
Daripada jumpah tersebut, seramai 2,561 merupakan pengundi baru manakala mereka yang menukar alamat pula adalah seramai 1,343 orang.
Seramai 32,380 pengundi terdiri daripada pengundi lelaki manakala 32,120 adalah wanita.
Daripada jumlah tersebut, kaum Melayu merupakan pengundi majoriti dengan 34,020 pengundi atau 52.7 peratus manakala kaum Cina dan India masing-masing mencatatkan bilangan 16.964 atau 26.3 peratus dan 12,453 atau 19.3 peratus.
Abdullah Sani berkata, walaupun peningkatan 2,561 pengundi baru itu boleh mempengaruhi arah aliran pengundian tetapi masih yakin PR-PKR boleh mengekalkan kerusi Hulu Selangor yang dimenangi menerusi Allahyarham Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad pada 8 Mac 2008.
“Kami cukup yakin untuk menang, saya percaya akan mengekalkan kerusi ini dengan majoriti yang lebih besar berbanding dua tahun lalu,” kata beliau.
Zainal Abidin menewaskan Timbalan Presiden MIC Datuk G. Palanivel dengan perbezaan 198 undi.
Oleh G. Manimaran dan Adib Zalkapli
SHAH ALAM, 4 April — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) sangsi dengan kehadiran lebih 2,500 pengundi baru yang direkodkan dalam tempoh dua tahun lalu sejak pilihan raya umum Mac 2008 sambil menyifatkannya sebagai sesuatu yang “ajaib dan luar biasa.”
Sehubungan itu, Pengarah Pilihan Raya Selangor Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid berkata pihaknya juga terkejut dengan perkembangan tersebut walaupun tidak menafikan parti-parti politik terlibat dalam kerja-kerja mendaftar pengundi baru.
“Kami pun tidak tahu dari mana datangnya angka ini (lebih 2,500 pengundi baru)... ini sesuatu yang ajaib, luar biasa. Kami akan mendapatkan penjelasan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya berhubung perkara ini,” kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider.
Sambil mengakui pihaknya juga ada mendaftar pengundi-pengundi baru tetapi jumlah tersebut adalah sesuatu yang begitu besar bagi tempoh dua tahun ini, kata Ahli Parlimen Kuala Langat ini.
“Kita (PKR) juga akan membincangkan, membentangkan laporan mengenai ini esok (hari ini),” kata beliau merujuk kepada mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pusat PKR hari ini.
“Kita sangsi, kita tidak tahu dari mana datangnya jumlah ini,” kata beliau.
Berdasarkan daftar induk terkini, kawasan pilihan raya parlimen itu mempunyai 64,500 pemilih berdaftar yang terdiri daripada 63,701 pengundi biasa dan 799 pengundi pos.
Daripada jumpah tersebut, seramai 2,561 merupakan pengundi baru manakala mereka yang menukar alamat pula adalah seramai 1,343 orang.
Seramai 32,380 pengundi terdiri daripada pengundi lelaki manakala 32,120 adalah wanita.
Daripada jumlah tersebut, kaum Melayu merupakan pengundi majoriti dengan 34,020 pengundi atau 52.7 peratus manakala kaum Cina dan India masing-masing mencatatkan bilangan 16.964 atau 26.3 peratus dan 12,453 atau 19.3 peratus.
Abdullah Sani berkata, walaupun peningkatan 2,561 pengundi baru itu boleh mempengaruhi arah aliran pengundian tetapi masih yakin PR-PKR boleh mengekalkan kerusi Hulu Selangor yang dimenangi menerusi Allahyarham Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad pada 8 Mac 2008.
“Kami cukup yakin untuk menang, saya percaya akan mengekalkan kerusi ini dengan majoriti yang lebih besar berbanding dua tahun lalu,” kata beliau.
Zainal Abidin menewaskan Timbalan Presiden MIC Datuk G. Palanivel dengan perbezaan 198 undi.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Wm Mafrel
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